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Welcome to The Chesaning Argonaut.

This website is intended to serve as a repository of my research notes as I stumble through the history of Chesaning, Michigan.

It’s genesis lies in an investigation into my own family’s history that started many years ago.
Having combed through most of the readily available documents, my attention turned to what I
believed would be the last leg of this journey, an examination of the digital archive of the local

I decided to start with the very first issue of The Chesaning Argus, and work my way forward in
chronological order.  However, it quickly became apparent that this wasn’t going to work out as planned.

There just too many things interesting stories that piqued my curiosity

What was the shiveree riot? Who where Shako and Panto? Where was Sunlight Corners? What
made Charles Bostwich skedaddle from town almost as soon as he had arrived?

I decided to crawl down into the rabbit hole and start searching for answers to these and many other questions.

I am making this material available publicly to help aid others who are also researching their family’s past or have a similar interest in local history.
