It has been currently reported during the last week that a nude person was seen in the
vicinity of the Chesaning cemetery. One had conversed with him, another had seen him with a man digging roots, another had seen him wading the edge of the Shiawassee river picking grapes, and a thousand and one stories were afloat when some of our excitable citizens, with others set with guns, revolvers and other munitions of war to give chase to that “wild man."
After traveling through fields crawling over logs, pushing through brush, and just as they
were about to give up the chase through exhaustion, when a cry of there he is was heard from one of the crowd, when lo! and behold, sure enough there was the “wild man.”
“See what big eyes. Heavens, he is a wild man sure” says Charley. “Where is my revolver,” cried Will. “Don’t shoot,” says H. And such an excitement was never seen before. “Let’s catch him,” and away through the brush they go.
Ed. falls down and ploughs his nose through the leaves and brush, gets up and runs back
into the arms of the crowd. When he found breath he remarked to the boys: “I thought I
knew something in my old age, but I guess I don’t.”
The “wild man” frightened such a noise and so large a crowd run with lightning speed
through the brush and out of sight, when the crowd gave up the chase. One finding himself
minus his false teeth, and the rest more or less damaged, when they all stopped to take a breath a while.
Some one asked where is W. R. A.? He was nowhere to be seen. Imagine their surprise and
chagrin to see him come up laughing with his clothes in his arms. There was some tall
cursing for a while, then all joined in a good hearty laugh and returned home to have fun
poked at them the villagers.
W. R. A with a confederate, had managed to get away from the crowd and stripped, when the
confederate hallowed “there he goes,” and the result was as above stated, while it is
presumed that the “wild man” floats upon the waters of the beautiful Shiawassee, listening to the whisperings of the spirits great Shako and Ponto devoting his time playing with Helldivers and Pollywogs.