All should take into consideration that it is an actual necessity to live within their income,
whatever that may be, but we are more interested in our immediate vicinity, and this is what
we wish to write of. How are we affected? And what is our prospects? These are the
questions which occur to us at once and we look about in search of an answer. Of course it is
well known that our past support throughout the valley has been lumber. In some sections it
continues to hold life in the towns and villages, but it is fast failing and all are looking
forward to something to succeed the lumber trade, and farming appears to be the only sure
business left them, of course, as the farmers succeed, other business follows which is built
on a sure foundation.
The great trial to our villages which have been built on the pine foundation, comes when
they change from lumbering to farming. And it takes several years for this change to become
fully established.
Chesaning has already passed through this ordeal and is now on the road to prosperity. It has left behind the bad effects of the pine woods, and is now assuming a firm stand which
can never be overcome. It moves onward with a support of men who are interested in the
village and in the surrounding country. The farmers have their lands cleared and are nearly
all on a square footing with the world and each year adds to their surplus, and soon they will
be in the best of circumstances, and now we see the good effects of the hard times. Every
man and woman sees the necessity of living within their means, and laying up something for
further hard times.
While Chesaning has the best of society, the most enterprising merchants and the best of
schools, who can see a possibility of anything but a bright and prosperous future.