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Homes of Chesaning II: The Griswold House

Today we explore the life of village pioneer John B. Griswold, one the earliest arrivals to Chesaning, and a man whose contributions to the town’s development are hard to overstate. Did the home he built back in 1848 somehow manage to survive down to today?

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Homes of Chesaning I: East Village Survivors

Our attempt to understand the historical layout of Chesaning has so far focused almost exclusively on commercial buildings. However, the 1877 map of Chesaning reveals the presence of at least a few structures that are a close match for some currently extant homes.

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Chesaning in 1877, Part 6: Railroad

The first railroad ever built in Michigan started service all the way back in 1830, but rail service did not reach Chesaning until decades later, with the first train arriving amidst an elaborate opening ceremony in September of 1867.

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